How often is information shared with SIMAH?
Information and reports are generally shared with SIMAH on a monthly basis.
However, the update frequency varies based on the type of report, with some reports updated within 5 business days of any payments or new orders you make.
If you believe your SIMAH report does not reflect a payment you’ve made, please reach out to us and let us know so we can resolve this for you.
There seem to be inaccuracies in my SIMAH report. What should I do?
If you notice any inaccurate information in your SIMAH report related to your Tamara payment history, please reach out to us with the correct information! We’ll review your information and send an updated report to SIMAH within 5 business days.
What information is included in a SIMAH report?
Your SIMAH report contains a full list of all active and closed credit instruments, including credit cards, personal loans, car leases, mortgages, utilities, and telecommunications. In addition to this, it includes your name, address, employment information, and SIMAH Credit Score.
What is a SIMAH credit score?
The SIMAH credit score is a numerical value assigned to a customer based on their credit history and financial health. It can be used by banks and financial institutions to approve or reject requests for credit instruments.