To partner with Tamara, you'll need to provide the following documents:
- Commercial Registration, Trade License, or Freelance Certificate
- National ID or Passport of the legal signatory
- IBAN certificate issued and stamped by the bank
- VAT certificate (if applicable).
If your store deals with any of the following activities, you'll specifically need to upload the commercial registration certificate:
- Tobacco, vaping, and smoking products
- Meat and livestock
- Medical devices and products, including cosmetics
- All Food and beverage products
- Alarm and surveillance products
- Pets
- Precious gemstones like Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald (Including Gold & Silver accessories)
Tips for uploading your documents:
- Ensure all documents are original and valid.
- Documents should be valid for at least 30 days.
- The beneficiary details in the IBAN/VAT certificate should match the legal entity details mentioned in the Commercial Registration or the Freelance Certificate (CR/FL).
- Make sure the documents contain all the required details.
Once you've submitted the required documents, our Tamara team will review them promptly and reach out if further clarification is needed.